From Rocky to rocks life is such a tremendous gift. While I enjoyed watching Rocky a few weeks ago, I am glad to be back to (mostly) tv-free life. We have been enjoying the glorious weather that God has provided recently by pretty much living outdoors. We haven't even eaten indoors for over a week. And even this week with slightly cooler temperatures, it still seems pretty great for March. Being outdoors has led us to do some new cool things the past couple of weeks.
We adopted a tree! Our old friend Mr. Oak Tree has been officially adopted by us. We are at the library getting books about oak trees right now and Friday we plan to do bark rubs and take him a treat!
Kara has started a rock collection and she absolutely loves looking for new rocks. She is now working to list them all complete with names and thorough descriptions. Jeff is working to teach her about different types of rocks since he is a geologist after all. I figure not only is it good to get outdoors and search for rocks, writing all of this stuff is great for her reading and writing skills. Maybe someday she will follow in my footsteps and take up writing!
We have already walked several miles out back and I've run several more on the Brainy Day loop and usually this time of year it is way too muddy for such adventures so we are loving it! I am thinking we may start a rock garden to go with my AWESOME new herb garden compliments of Miranda and Mark (thanks guys). That will be another way to put our rocks to good use and I think the kids will enjoy it! Maybe we'll make rock pets too. Man the possibilities are endless no wonder Jeff studied rocks for so long!
Aven has been busy playing with his dinosaurs and new tow truck that his Grandma S. gave him. He sure is active these days getting him to take a nap is no longer an issue because by two he is worn out and ready to sleep!
Hazel is still busy creating messes and table dancing at the library. Not much has changed with her.
We had been watching Dinosaur Train for a half hour of tv each day, but this week no one has asked for it so the telly has been off! Yippee!
I think we will make a big pot of stone soup to tie into the whole rock theme next week. We have done this before and the kids LOVE it. Just add a fairly clean stone to your average rice and whatever soup and the kids will eat it up!
Vern Out
luvvvvvv it vern, there's no way YOUR kids will ever suffer from nature-deficit disorder! woot woot! :-) ~ cari