A few months ago I talked about the hidden benefits of running—at the time my marathon running buddy, Brian, had graciously morphed into a super cool coffee delivery man providing me with top quality caffeine during a time when my coffee pot was on the fritz. Not unlike that story, this is a story of hidden benefits; a story of hidden jewels. I always suspected that the Aquatic Center probably had some extra paybacks as well. You know, benefits other than a great workout and an incredible staff. Well today I discovered one. A really big one. Today I discovered the showers at the Aquatic Center!
Yes I did say showers. Yes I am talking about a public shower. And yes I realize this sounds very, very strange. I always knew that they had showers, but today I discovered the showers. To most a shower at their workout center is probably rated average at best, but to me it was excellent, heavenly, glorious! I spent a good fifteen minutes in a hot, luxurious, uninterrupted shower. It was the perfect end to the perfect workout-a leisurely four mile run.
Today in that shower was the closest I have come to the old apple tree experience in a very long time. Now that I am the mom, there is no apple tree in our backyard and it is my job to keep tabs on everyone, a trip to the apple tree to read books for the afternoon is just not possble. Instead of hiding in an apple tree reading books, I hid out in the Aquatic Center's shower and enjoyed the longest uninterrupted shower that I have had in over five years. I have already decided that even on days when I don't feel like working out, I will be heading there to shower! My personal hygiene is about to get a major boost!
Anyway, the point to all of this is that the past week or so I have not watched television because I have been too busy. We are cleaning house in a major way getting ready for the big move to the new house some time in November! We are preparing for a massive yard sale later this week and we are working out. The official taper for the marathon training kicked in so now I run a lot less and eat a lot more. It's pretty fantastic! We're still hear listening to the Tigers on WLAV and maybe someday I will get to climb that tree and read for a few hours until then I will retreat to the Aquatic Center for a long, hot shower even if I don't plan to run!
Vern Out
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