It is getting harder to write about NOTV; it is not harder to live NOTV just harder to write about it. Living it is actually getting easier each and every day. I think the writing is getting harder due to my crazy busy lifestyle of recent. Between training for the Grand Rapids Marathon, preparing for my first child to enter kindergarten next week and finishing the building of our new house it has been really busy even for me and I am used to a fast-paced life, but it is seriously getting a little fast even for me. With three kids life seems to move at an always challenging speed, but it seems to be even worse than usual these days. I wonder if it will ever slow down enough to just enjoy the moment completely, but I fear it may not.
Anyhow, we are still not watching television although we did do a Shirley Temple Movie Marathon on Saturday night. We watched Curly Top and Heide. After my nearly 17 mile training run Saturday morning, I had no energy to fight the kids when they requested movies and popcorn Saturday night. I simply gave in to the request. I was home with four kids (we added my neice to the mix) flying solo for the night and movies and popcorn seemed like a fair form of entertainment that would keep the kids safe and would allow me to sleep on the couch.
I am still reading a lot these days. I just read Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers for next month's book club assignment and it was really good. I read it over the weekend that is how good it was! Now I am reading Goldie and What I talk About When I talk About Running. I am just starting those two but they seem to be good.
Vern Out
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